
 08:30 – 09:00Registration
Session I9:00 – 10:00Plenary Session 1 – Opening of WWRF 51
Chair: Dan Drutz, Rowan University
09:00 – 09:10Opening Speech

Dr. Giuseppe Palmese, Dean

Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering

09:10 – 09:20Welcoming SpeechNigel Jefferies, Chairman of WWRF 
09:20 – 10:20

Opening Keynote:

Leveraging 5G for Digital Transformation of the Transportation Sector
Deepak Kataria, Principal Solution Consultant for Ericsson
 10:20 – 10:45Coffee Break
Session II10:45-12:45Plenary Session 2 – Navigating the Future of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Chair: Mohammad Jalayer, Rowan University
10:45-11:15Connected Vehicles and Wireless Networks: A Synergistic Approach to Intersection SafetyDeep Patel, PhD Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rowan University

Quantum Computing Enabled Federated Social Networking in Intelligent Connected Vehicles

Prof. (Dr.) Sachin Sharma, Graphic Era University, India
11:45-12:15Improving Transportation Safety, Mobility and Equity with ITS
Brad Miller, PE, PP, PTOE, and LEED AP
Associate Vice President and the Department Manager for Michael Baker International’s NJ/NY Traffic Engineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Department
 12:15-12:45Driving the Future: Exploring Connected Vehicle Applications and Testing
Kevin Hayes, Senior System Engineer, Intelligent Transportation Systems
 12:45 – 13:45Lunch
Session III13:45 – 15:15

Plenary Session 3
Standards Process and Progress in ITU, IEEE, and 3GPP

Chair: Knud Erik Scouby, WG-A/B Chair, WWRF

 13:45-14:05Development of ITU-R Regulations, Recommendations and Reports

Veena Rawat, Senior Spectrum Advisor, GSMA

 14:05-14:25Latest developments in ETSI ISGs and the recent 3GPP Workshop on 6G Use cases

Nuwan Weerasinghe, Simultelco

 14:25-14:456G Standardisation efforts under the ITU umbrella

Nuwan Weerasinghe, Simultelco

 14:45-15:05IEEE Future Networks Technical Community (FNTC) Role in Driving IEEE 6G Standardization 

Sudhir Dixit, Basic Internet Foundation

 15:05-15:25PHY and MAC enhancements for NTN integration in 5G

Vinod Kumar, 

 15:25-15:45Wrap up by Knud Erik Skouby
 15:34 – 16:00Coffee Break
Session IV16:00-17.00

WG VIP Connected Vehicles, Chair: Seshadri Mohan


Enabling Safer Crosswalks with State-of-the-Art Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Technology

Abigna Maturi, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
 16:30 – 17:00

Educational Awareness Through Visual Communication to Combat Distracted Driving in New Jersey

Ahmed Sajid Hasan, Rowan University

 08:30 – 09:00Registration
9:00 – 10:30Plenary Session 4 – Advancing Global Comm unication: The Role of AI in Shaping the Future of Technology
Chair: Nidhal Bouaynaya, Rowan University
09:00 – 09:30 TBC
Speaker: Charles C. Johnson, FAA
9:30-10:00Generative AI Solutions for Intelligent Transportation SystemsAnis Omezzine, ATAC Corporation
10:00 – 10:30The role of AI in medical diagnostics

Andy Bala,Founder & CEO of Delphine Diagnostics Inc

 11:00 – 11:30Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:30Plenary Session 5 – Non Terrestrial Networks
Chair: Sudhir Dixit, Basic Internet Foundation
11:30 – 12:00IEEE International Network Generations Roadmap Satellite Edition 2023 UpdatesAvinash Sharma, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (Space Exploration Sector)
12:00 – 12:30Securing and Managing Delay-Tolerant NetworksEd Birrane, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (Space Exploration Sector)
12:30-13.00Emerging Cislunar Architectures and Spectrum Management ConsiderationsJustin Dennison, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (Space Exploration Sector)
 13:00 –14:00Lunch
14:00– 15:30Digital Healthcare
Chair: Nuwan Weerasinghe, Simultelco
 14:00-14:306G in Digital Healthcare: Harmonizing Innovation with Security and PrivacyDr. Madhusanka Liyanage, University College Dublin, Ireland

Transforming Healthcare in Sri Lanka: Achieving Sustainable Development and Global Health Equity Through User-Centric Technology Integration

Anuradha (Anu) Udunuwara

Senior Engineer, Sri Lanka Telecom /Senior Consulting Engineer, Xyntac Enterprise


Leveraging AI for Public Health: Monitoring Children’s Exposure to Digital Marketing of Unhealthy Products on Social Media

Nalan Dayarathna, Manager – Data Science, A-Algo / Technical Team Lead – AND Digital 


Progress of Digital Health white paper and planed future activities

Dr Rehan Usman, Senior Lecturer Kingston University / Chair WWRF  VIP – Digital Health

Session VIII15:30 – 17:00

WG A/B : Chair : Knud Erik Skouby

 15:30 – 16:00Migrating Towards 5G Wireless Technology in a Developing Country Context

Endale Shiferaw, UNOPS

Fisseha Mekuria, CSIR Meraka Institute

 16:00 – 16:30Circular Sustainable Business Models, 6G, Socio-Economic-Societal-Human Balance

Peter Lindgren, Aarhus University

Purnima Lala Mehta, Aarhus University

Ramjee Prasad, Aarhus University

 16:30 – 17:00Privacy and Data collection in Connected Cars – a Black Hole

Samant Khajuria, Aalborg University

Knud Erik Skouby, Aalborg University

Lene Sørensen, Aalborg University

 08:30 – 09:00Registration
9:00 – 10:30Plenary Session 6 – Sensing and Communication Networks
Chair: Ben Wu, Rowan University
09:00 – 09:30

Fighting Spammers in Online Social Networks via Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Solutions

Xu Yuan, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Delaware

Impact of 5G mmWave Spectrum on Numerical Weather Forecasting: Emerging Challenges and Strategies

Ruo-Qian (Roger) Wang Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rutgers University
10:00 – 10:30

Telecom infrastructure sensing & infrastructure as a sensor

Yue Tian, Senior Researcher, NEC Laboratories America
 10:30 – 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30Plenary Session 7 –Faster Than Nyquist Signaling
Chair: Seshadri Mohan
11:00 – 11:30Beyond the Limits: Innovating Receiver Design for Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling 
Weijie Yuan, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
11:30 – 12:00Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling for Next Generation Communications: Capacity Region, Signal Detection, and Code DesignShuangyang Li, Research Fellow, Technical University of Berlin
 12:00 – 13:00Lunch
13:00 – 16:30WG C
Chair: Sudhir Dixit, Basic Internet Foundation
13:00-:1310WG Overview and updatesSudhir Dixit
13:10-13:35Enhanced Deep Learning For Rotorcraft Landing Site Detection and Segmentation From Satellite ImageryAmine Khelifi, Rowan University
13:34-14:00Enhancing AI/ML-Driven Innovations in Aerial Object Detection through VR Synthetic Dataset GenerationGarrett Williams:, Rowan University
 14:00-14:25Enhancing Preparedness for Landfill Disasters Through Virtual Reality Simulations

Leeza Duller, Rowan University

 14:25– 15:00Closing Session by Nigel Jefferies, WWRF Chairman